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Essay on Tihar festival

Tihar, also known as Deepawali or the Festival of Lights, is one of the most significant festivals in Nepal and is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. The festival is celebrated for five days, and each day has a specific theme and significance.

The first day of Tihar is known as Kaag Tihar, and it is dedicated to the worship of crows. Crows are considered to be messengers of the god of death, and it is believed that by offering them food, they will bring good luck and blessings to the household. On this day, people will leave food offerings for crows on their roofs and balconies.

The second day of Tihar is known as Kukur Tihar, and it is dedicated to the worship of dogs. Dogs are considered to be the loyal companions of the god of death, and it is believed that they will guard the household and protect it from evil spirits. On this day, people will offer food and garlands to dogs, and many will also put tika on the forehead of their pets.

The third day of Tihar is known as Gai Tihar, and it is dedicated to the worship of cows. Cows are considered to be sacred and are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. On this day, people will offer food and garlands to cows, and many will also put tika on the forehead of the cows.

The fourth day of Tihar is known as Laxmi Puja, and it is dedicated to the worship of the goddess of wealth, Laxmi. On this day, people will clean and decorate their homes, and they will also make offerings of food and flowers to Laxmi. Many will also light diyas and candles to invite Laxmi into their homes.

The fifth and final day of Tihar is known as Bhai Tika, and it is dedicated to the worship of brothers. On this day, sisters will put tika on the forehead of their brothers, and they will also offer them food and gifts as a symbol of love and protection.

Tihar is a time of celebration and joy, and it is a time for people to come together with their families and friends to celebrate the victory of good over evil. The festival is also a time for people to reflect on the importance of family and community, and to remember the blessings and protection of the gods and goddesses.

In conclusion, Tihar is one of the most significant festivals in Nepal and is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. It is a festival of five days, each with its own specific theme and significance. The festival is a time of celebration and joy, and it is a time for people to come together with their families and friends to celebrate the victory of good over evil. It is also a time for people to reflect on the importance of family and community, and to remember the blessings and protection of the gods and goddesses.

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